Quality Assurance And System Integration

By strictly adhering to the following points, we ensure that our customers will choose us next time thanks to our reliable and high-quality development processes:
-A dedicated Quality Manager (QA) is part of the project team.
-Experienced testers join the team during the testing phase to fully test the complete system.
To do this, a test fleet of several different devices is used to detect edge cases and failure events.
-The customer can get a detailed and up-to-date insight into the current state of development during several separate demo sessions.
-The customer receives beta versions to try out via the most powerful beta version management systems available (Google Play, Testflight).
-At the end of development, we stress test the completed system, simulating thousands of competing users simultaneously. This not only reveals previously unseen bugs, but also helps to determine the server configuration required for operation, thus avoiding subsequent server crashes and overloads.
-The quality of the source code produced is checked by SonarQube. Thus, the work of developers that is completed and uploaded is immediately checked by an automated system.